Borja Martín-Moreno is a Spanish artist who has developed a unique style based on gesture and monochrome. His richly textured works give a certain sculptural and dimensional air.

Attending to his way of working, he traces harmonious and meticulous brushstrokes, adopting the principle of integral composition and achieving voluminous and powerful results that go beyond the limit of the canvases.

By using different tools and devices, Borja takes advantage of the movement of his body to obtain an emotional relationship between the canvas and the materials in a moment, giving rise to a result a physical and structural character.

During the action process, he rejects the use of the easel and always acts in a rebellious and freethinking way, breaking with the established painting methods and playing with texture, which, together with the reflection of the changing light, provide a great illusion of dimension and depth.

Olga Korovina
Art Advisor & Curator